
the 23 year me would have called me psychotic, but the 28 year old me and the 16 year me is in love with the me today

Friday, July 22, 2005

Personal Clock

Remix. Remix. Remix. Remix.
On Star One. Hate the name. Love the show. Why?
What about the show makes it tick. For me.
A show by, for and of 18 year olds appealing to the evolved me at 28.

Being a researcher and a self proclaimed psychoanalyst the why has always been of special interest to me. In this case more than just interest as have used media ethnography as a key research tool. What makes people addicts to certain serials, columns etc. What can we learn about them from their choices.

So this WHY is imp for me to answer not just for random reasons but even to validate my researcher self.

My brothers simple statement " U love this show cause you are still trying to live your co ed school fantasies." Some facts there. Simple. Bare.

From the macro perspective the show appeals to me at various levels. To my multiple self perceptions- real and aspirational.

But decoding further I find that most of us have a time clock. Some people live in the past, a few in the present and some in their tomorrow.

I am amongst those people who operates in her past. No doesn't mean I am more nostalgic than other people etc. Just that while living today my operative time clock is yesterdays.

So through college I was still living what can be called my Mater Dei School hangover.

I have a more obvious need to be in touch with people. To include them in my today. To continue to live my today like it were yesterday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many years down....after so much thing that amazes me is that.... ANNU's Opinion HASNT CHANGED....!!!! Mater Deians..."HUNGRY FOR MALE COMPANY...!!!"

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are so right, somethings never change. Like my opinion on Mater Dieans. Will always be the same.

I hope you are doing well. My sister tells me that you are a hottie, now. Like I said, somethings never change.



P.S. Do you also have a blog? I guess all the kids on Remix have blogs so my sis had to get one. To feel "in" with those eighteen-year-olds. Lets meet up one of these days.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No...I do not have a Blog...and what might surprise you is that I do not watch Remix either...!
Actually hadnt even heard of it till I read it here...but now that I know your sis is so crazy about it...I am kinda interested in seeing the show atleast once..!

Am ding about you...what are you upto..? Are you still interested in cooking & are you still as much at ease in the kitchen as you were in school..??

Have been meaning to catch up with your sis...lets meet up sometime this week...will call Shefali & fix up..

Cheers Nupur

12:51 PM  

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