
the 23 year me would have called me psychotic, but the 28 year old me and the 16 year me is in love with the me today

Thursday, May 18, 2006

As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way, And who shall wear the robe and crown, Good Lord, show me the way

When you trust the world the world responds to that trust. I have been around people who border on the extreme when it comes to spirituality. And I closely know someone who has bordered on the two extremes at different points in his life. From intolerance to dependence.

For me I know I am not a disbeliever. I assumed that to mean that I am a believer. In the recent past have had to really stand up to that test. Practicing religion without really knowing why. Taking it to an absurd extend. All because I knew I was not a disbeliever. At the end of it felt lost, worn down and even a little weary. Started questioning myself. And after a while started getting the answers.

Simplisticly put, there are energies around us. Which can be channelised by us. By the faith we place in them. When we start thinking about something, wishing it to happen, the universe starts conspiring towards making it happen.

These energies can work both positively and negatively. Haven't you ever been really wronged and felt hurt and wished the worst? And then witnessed something really go wrong for your personal villain? Ironically Satan needs less persuading. And also when we wish bad on someone we are far less selfish. Its not really about any personal gain for us, not even in any remote way.

The Golden Temple can change lives. This power has been bestowed on it by the faith placed by people. My belief that the blessings of the Golden Temple will have a positive influence on my life, channelises energies towards the Golden Temple, to do that. You have to only imagine the faith placed by millions for centuries- which then will begin to explain the aura of the Golden Temple, how it actually is a life altering experience. Albeit only for those who believe.

Faith is what explains the difference between the invisible and the non existent.

Have you ever made a deal with god?

Faith is what makes sure that, God and I, we both keep our end of the bargain.


Blogger Trevor Penn said...

Interesting take to faith. Never heard anything like this. Though i'm not sold and am yet to have my moment of epiphany, i wish that there be some synergy in ur life.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Vijayeta said...

I agree totally! But more so due to some awesome first hand experiences. And also witnessing others have their "moments" which, by turns have left me cold or more of a believer.
Besides, it does feel like there's a divine support system at work and the Universe will look out for you no matter what!

11:58 PM  
Blogger Nessa said...

I believe our faith can influence the universe also.

I went here

to check out The Golden Temple. Very beautiful.

3:14 PM  
Blogger DiTtY said...

:) Yes, someone up there does look out for you. He/She/It is always looking out for you, even when things go horribly wrong, even in the darkest moments of our lives... :) I am a big believer!

Hope your deal with God works out! :)

4:01 PM  
Blogger that girl in pink said...

"Simplisticly put, there are energies around us. Which can be channelised by us. By the faith we place in them. When we start thinking about something, wishing it to happen, the universe starts conspiring towards making it happen." - I totally agree. But what's that gotta do with God?

11:27 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I dunno if it's less selfish to wish evil onto an enemy. I mean the sheer pleasure you (by you, I mean I) derive from seeing them wallow in the manure, beaten, bruised and broken, that has to be up there with any hedonistic pleasure I can think of.

But maybe that's just me.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"When we start thinking about something, wishing it to happen, the universe starts conspiring towards making it happen."
I wished for something, wanted it for years, and I finally got it... but its so different and ugly from what I had hoped for that I think that God is just trying to tell me..."See... This is what you get for being so stubborn!!":(

But ya... I still am a believer, cos when everything else fails, its comforting to believe that the magical power will come to help soon.

Great blog... loved the way you have described yourself! :)

6:56 PM  
Blogger twip said...

making a deal with God.....oh how many times have I done that.....let me count 'thee' ways....:)

-every single exam Ive had.

-on almost every date Ive been on.


as you can see, I've unconsciously done that a few thousand times.

which makes me a believer.


12:51 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...

seashells: thanks and i wish you that moment soon

vijayeta: so true :)

Vanessa: the belivers unite!

Ditty: Thanks for the the deal working out bit. Got a naughty grin to my face :)

Pink: ummm he is the score keeper, the forgiver, the deal maker and all that....

jenn: perspective and very true

bharti: thanks for visiting my space. and your story reminds me of "think before you wish, it just might come true".
on a more 'serious' note... i think u should be happy it came true, even if it didn't work out, atleast u have been able to live one of your dreams, otherwise u would have continued to wonder what if.... and the what if's are the worst

megha: thanks for visiting my space. and more faith to the belivers i say

2:14 PM  
Blogger that girl in pink said...

what if the universe is made up of energies? positive thoughts lead to +ve energies and that's how the universe conspires with you to get what you want. plus there's hard work, talent luck and sheer determination.

don't really see the role of God in all this...:)

9:00 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

What if the energies are not random and there is a greater intelligence directing it?

Faith: the evidence of things unseen.

10:15 PM  
Blogger That Girl said...

hi lemontree. thanks for dropping by my a beleiver too and even though i know sometimes my faith isnt all that strong.. that He will still be faithful.. to His Word.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read your blog -- quite cool. I quote from your blog, "And I closely know someone who has bordered on the two extremes at different points in his life. From intolerance to dependence." I have an inkling as to whom you are talking about.
At this point, I believe future readings of any sort (tarrot, palmistry, horoscope charts, zodiacs, etc.) have nothing to do with spirituality. Spirituality, is just harnessing the energy that we all have inside us and channelising it positively, to achieve oneness with the universe/ omnipresent energy/ God/ that very source of energy.

2:09 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...

pink and jenn: my belief is similar to jenn's on this one ;)

grafx: keep the faith

anonymous (a): your inkling is right ! given that you have the front two seats to my life I am not surprised . completely agree with your take on spirituality vs future reading. infact it helps me further develop my thoughts :)

iris (blessed one): first and foremost glad to know you got your answers immediately

'One is intolerant of religion as it can sometimes lead to confinement, whereas the very essence of spirituality is freedom.'- well put. though don't comletely agree with one leading to the other (using conventional definitions)

8:10 PM  
Blogger velvetgunther said...

Yes, I remember you!

11:33 PM  

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