
the 23 year me would have called me psychotic, but the 28 year old me and the 16 year me is in love with the me today

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

happy birthday ananya

Thursday, August 25, 2005
you are one today and even though we have met before i think its time i can give you a formal introduction- we are pretty much on the same wave length now- with you driving your mom nuts- i love it when you do that

i am your masi which as your mom would have told you means her sister. but it doesn't end there . it actually derives its origins from two words : ma (meaning mom) and si (meaning like) so its literal meaning is "mom like"

you know sweet heart its amazing how much you mean to me. unlike your mom i was never very fond of little people but you are a whole different story. they say and i belive that 'blood is thicker than water', you are the most blood i would share with anyone your size!!

you are a bundle of mischief and energy. and the absolute gold standard in children. you are the only 5 month old i have known who would sleep for a straight 8 hours, wake up with a smile that said pick me up, had the coolest hair, the cutest gigle, an adorable 'stick-my-tongue-out' expression

ananya you are my pride.

love , masi

ps i like calling you anna at times which your mom hates, so will control it here (can be our secret)

pss the other day while chatting on the net with your mom i was asking her what you were upto and she said you were trying to switch of the comp and sure enough two minutes later she wasn't online any longer


Blogger that girl in pink said...

Ohmigod! She's a spitting image of her mom. identical! and so smiley. how cute :-)

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow..!!She is like a photo image of Shonali..!!! Cutie...Happy alrite..beaming baby!!

2:37 PM  

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