
the 23 year me would have called me psychotic, but the 28 year old me and the 16 year me is in love with the me today

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

a woman knows

women are perceptive about these things. we know when someone is making a pass. we know when someone is falling in love. with us. with our neighbour. we know when a trainee has a crush on us. we know when one of us has a thing for our boss. we know a friend from a lover.

we know that anon is in love with resonance and is driving her insane. and we know that the sun is all out to make the earth fall in love with him.

resonance knows. earth knows. they are women too.

then why do we pretend to not get it?
do we confuse innocence with ignorance?
do we assume that men too don’t get the difference?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nice thoughts.. well..
do women really pretend..? yes they do..women loves that air of mystry around them..they love when a guy chases them,hence pretends...
do women confuse innocence with igonrance? well.. thats not true..they pretend to be ignorant..
else how would that "cute guy"..who has a crush on u run after u..its ur ignorance to which he wants attention..innocence makes him fall in love with u..&ignorance makes him chase u..
do mean too doesnt get the differnce? opposite sex..rather they chase the opposite sex.. dont they? but i guess men unlike women give in too easily..they cant create that mystry..that aura around them..women pretend not to get it..they pretend cant do that..that defines why men chase women and women loves it..cheers.. this 2 shall pass..

and yes iam not here thru endless..iam here thru someone else..whose comments are posted here too..

10:15 AM  
Blogger Vijayeta said...

I think smarter women just "assess" the man...and the silence is just...contemplative ;) We dont want a raw deal, do we? Lemontree just put it very sweetly and discreetly...

4:14 AM  
Blogger lemontree said...

Anon: am still trying to figure out who you have come thru- why is it important i don't know but to me these things always are- have two guesses but am trying to narrow it down

Vijayeta: The contemplative silence at times gets to long and even gets misinterpreted as indifference

men arent what they used to be

stereo types have changed and people like me are still struggling to adapt :)

And thanks both of you for visiting

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there...very interesting thought...but extremely dangerous to be posted on the web..!!!

This is supposed to be 1'ov our biggest secrets...the ultimate weapon..."Innocence/Ignorance...the supreme bliss"...making room for that extra chase...that lil additional pampering...& of course as V said an absolute bliss when the assessment of the opposite sex proves that it is not worth the while...helps you discreetly slip away without hurting their ego... ;-)

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True Nupur.. i cudnt agree more with u..but u know..Lemon Tree said it right.." men arent the same what they used to be" smart guys knows "what women want"..
all said n done....women are women and we men need them...

LemonTree.. nice to know that u have narrowed down to 2 names..hope u will make it through with the final blow..

6:58 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...


nupur: while we dont see each other as often as we'd like to in the real world- am glad u r here in my virtual one :)

anon: still thinking ;)

8:04 PM  

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