
the 23 year me would have called me psychotic, but the 28 year old me and the 16 year me is in love with the me today

Thursday, August 03, 2006

you want to sing, you feel like spring, you want to pass it on

because my last post drew an errie silence (other than Jenn ofcourse), and because I have been tagged by Vij, and mostly because I had time at work with nothing to do and the tag seemed relatively simple here goes.....

i am thinking about
Changing the color of the walls. From yellow to white. Changing the cushion covers, the bed spread, the blinds. Making them all white. Organsing the books in height order. Playing chants in the background and inviting the girls over for vine.

i said..
To my mom that if the astrologers she believed in were true, I would have been married four times over, would be sitting by the beach, spanking my four year old for troubling my two year old. And then we both laughed.

i want to...
spend the rest of my life being irresponsible.

i wish...
I could fly. Really fly. Only fly.

i hear...
My grandfather saying “I am proud of you”. He used to say it often. And I used to love the sound of it. It meant both that I belonged and that I made em proud.

i wonder
If Ananya will remember row row row your boat when I meet her next. And if she will still say O wow. And if the bag I bought her will make her say it. And I also wonder about what Warney is thinking. Especially when he puts his head on his paws.

i regret...
letting good sense prevail

i am...
a little girl who still believes in fairy tales

i dance...
hoping no ones watching

i sing...
On top of the world , while I am floating on my back, staring at the sky. I even sing humko mann ki shakti dena when I am scared of falling off the horse. And I always sing listen to the rhythm of the falling rain when it rains. And of course I sing christmas carols through December.

i cry...
and after that I always look pretty

i am not always...

i make with my hands...
Friendship bands. In various colors. Same design.

i write...
because it makes me happy

i confuse...
between labtop and laptop and then I think and I know. Also between right and left and I have to always stick my hand out to know.

i need…
a witness

And Iris, Seashells, EOR, and, yes you have been tagged. Please indulge me.


Blogger Jenn said...

I don't think there was an eerie silence. I think you just didn't give people enough time to respond is all.

Interesting...I like what you said to your mom about the astrologers. All fortune tellers are always telling me I am destined for great things but holding myself back. And I say, when? When? When?

4:38 PM  
Blogger Trevor Penn said...

Is there such a thing as a labtop ? I know one other person who shares that same confusion :). The tag is simple enough. Will do it in return for a smile :)

4:16 AM  
Blogger that girl in pink said...

lovely lovely post lemon tree! very nice and mellow and just lovely!

i regret...
letting good sense prevail

i know...

12:21 PM  
Blogger Iris said...

Very sweet!!

2:27 PM  
Blogger Enemy of the Republic said...

When I get back, I will obey. I swear.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Vijayeta said...

Spend the rest of my life being irresponsible.
Letting good sense prevail.

So true for most of us!
You go horseriding? Me too :) And i lovvve horses!

2:40 AM  
Blogger Nessa said...

I read your last post, sorry it wasn't timely. It was very interesting. A live cartoon of insomnia.

I always hold my hands in front of me, fingers together, thumb extended. Yup, that's the left.

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


just saw this is your blogversary month! i.e. you started blogging in august 2005. enjoy your month!


1:00 PM  
Blogger Iris said...

Lemon, thanks for tagging was fun:-))))))))))))

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want what you want... what you hear makes me choke.

Am amazed and envious of the simplicity of your post. It's always a challenge to keep thing simple. you manage to say so much with so little...


9:11 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...

jenn: i know. and they have a moving date target. hehe

seashells: no there is nothing like a labtop- i dont think so, until unless there is a name for when i use my laptop on not my lap but my lab's - labrador's- back- hehe
but who is this other person. me curious.
and have been smiling. and that fbi bit in the comments was most funny.

pink: glad u liked it.

iris: thank you. on both counts!

cv: waiting !

vijayeta: i know. and still the majority of us spend most of our time doing the right things. so sad.

goldennibb: hey thanks - you truly got my previous post. else it was seeming like wirting similar to a bad joke- the kind that nobody gets till its explained

anon: thanks

pink's publicist: you completely made me day! thank you!

karmic yogi: Thanks hugely for the compliment. And i just checked out your blog. You write very well. Waiting for part 2!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Enemy of the Republic said...

You make friendship bracelets. Can you knit too? I would really like to learn. I even tried needlepoint once and failed miserably.

Tag coming soon.

10:46 PM  
Blogger Nautilus said...


What I wouldn't give to be irresponsible for the rest of my life!! *sighs wistfully*

11:14 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...

cv: yup i make friendship bands. i know just one very simple way and design and would be glad to teach you. knitting and needlework were restricted to school assignments, which inverably mom would complete ;)

wild reeds: thanks !

nautilus: and they make u belive when u r growing up that being responsible is more difficult. lop sided world view i say.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Pixychik said...

I would love to be able to think and write like you. simply loved this post.

Very nice.

lotsa love


2:26 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...

hey moody ( i almost wrote moods and then didn't... hehe)
thank you and you have been tagged. so want to read your take on the same.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems quite true.. though i havent really read u much!!!

11:42 PM  
Blogger Deliciously Alive said...

Waiting to read something new:)

4:23 PM  
Blogger that girl in pink said...

when are we going to hear stories of the far east??

7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wana do friendship?

11:16 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...

preyanca: hey. thanks and welcome to my space.

quicksilver: very soon. its a post almost composed in my head. just need to "pen it down"

pink: a new post is long overdue. its coming soon.

anon: sure ;-)

8:08 PM  
Blogger Iris said...

When are you planning to put your thoughts into words:-)

12:24 PM  
Blogger lemontree said...

hey iris: coincidence. while u were typing the message i was composing the above :)

1:10 PM  
Blogger Iris said...

Synchronicity :-)

4:44 PM  

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