
the 23 year me would have called me psychotic, but the 28 year old me and the 16 year me is in love with the me today

Monday, February 06, 2006

I am a big big girl in a big big world , its not a big big thing if you leave me , But I do do think that I too too will miss you much, miss you much

I have been writing a lot of blogs these days, in my mind. But that doesn't seem to be working. Firstly I do a good job of the beginning and the end and don't bother with the middle. And so there is little satisfaction. And more importantly while I get to the end I can't imagine the comments and then a response to those comments, which is the best part. You need someone with more imagination. Too virtual for me I guess. [lol]

The other day I was having a conversation on how it is important to take time out and grieve. To deal with all your emotions - the hurt, the guilt, the disappointment or else you are just going to add to your emotional baggage. During the conversation we agreed generally on how men have it harder. And that set off a spiral of thoughts.

Why is it that men have it harder. Or what makes it easier for women. The answer which has been lurking in my head I must admit is rather simplistic. But it just rings so true.

Women have it way simpler because of their girlfriends. (not to say that men don't have girls in their lives who are just friends, but that is different-believe me.)

Girlfriends are people who will always be ready to discuss and analyze anything and everything for hours -from your coworkers compliment to the bitchiness of the parlor women- and they would willingly hang up with their-still-to- be-boyfriend for the same.

They know and understand that it is an emergency of the gravest kind when the dress you were planning to wear on new year no longer fits.

They would open to you not only their minds and their hearts but even their wardrobes.

They would vouch for your work, even though they don't really understand what you do.

They will get all upset if they read what they think is a depressing post on your blog and wait at your doorstep to help you sort the issue.

They will help you come up with instant solutions to all your problems- solutions which will not really work in the long run but would sure cheer you up for then.

They will ask you pertinent questions which will help you come to answers you were trying to evade.
They will mirror your mood. They will see reality like you want them to.
They will always remember all the details but give you enough room to change your mind.

They will get a wee bit guarded when another one enters the inner circle but would make just enough space.

You will have unrealistic expectations of them which they will obviously not always match, but give them your silence they will be quick to notice and make up in all possible ways.

They will make sure you always get roses on your birthday.
They will spoil you with their attention and understanding and make you unfit for most other relationships.
They love you not inspite of who you are but because of who you are.

To all my girls this one is for you. You know who you are. And of course deserted, even though you are all man you make it to the list.

On another but not totally disconnected note- I have been tagged.
Thanks Ditty. On two counts.
1. This is a first for me.
2. The topic rakes a burning issue

Quoting from Ditty
Begin Quote "Rules of the Game.
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. You have to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again." End Quote

The Perfect Lover
Gender: Strictly Male

Point No.1: Must try emulate all aspects of girlfriends- all qualities hereto defined . However since men have a problem getting anything in one go some have been reiterated below

Point No.2: When I talk, you need to listen. Really listen with your mind and heart. And if you are really listening am sure you will agree to whatever I have to say. Incase you don't agree it just means you have not really been listening.

Point No.3: You need to be tall. This is one of my quirks. I just need someone to look upto. And small chance of it happening figuratively so might as well take a literal interpretation.

Point No.4: You must understand my sense of humour. Hey come on I have a great sense of humour. If you don't get it pretend to get it.

Point No.5: You must always get me red roses for valentines and wish me at midnight on my birthday. Even if I am asleep. I would be waiting.

Point No.6: I am not very sensitive. But there are somethings I am sensitive about. You need to figure them out. And no, asking me what these are is not really an attempt at figuring these out.

Point No.7: On some days I am going to pretend I am Aishwarya Rai. Play along.

Point No.8: Someday you may just be No.1 on my list. But it won't happen too soon. And even when it does you can never confirm this in front of my best-friend.

And now the tagged:Pink , Vij, Enemy of the Republic, Jenn, Vanessa, Jay, Blue river and eM. Please humor me ;)