
the 23 year me would have called me psychotic, but the 28 year old me and the 16 year me is in love with the me today

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Then there were doors that wouldn't open unless in you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and doors that weren't doors at all

56 days back I turned 30. Which essentially means that I have nothing more to fear and that this post is way overdue. Last year I had made some wishes (six to be exact). Here's an update on what unfolded. And yes I am keeping score.

The sense of freedom to push the limits and do some completely wild things
This is where I surprised myself the most. The wild thing I had in mind was replaced for a completely different wilder thing. Of all the things that money can buy, this is the very best.

The curiosity to explore a new interest
I think I should reword it as the confidence to explore a new dimension. And for the first time all my networking profiles are complete with pictures. ( I know silly old me)

The will power to stand the test of time and change that one thing
When I wrote this I really meant two things. One was to find the new equilibrium in an old defining friendship. Balance has been restored and a new enjoyable equation is in order.
The other was to win my fourteen-year-old battle with the bulge. The battle continues and will probably join me in my grave, but I think it can be said that a few rounds have definitely been declared in my favor.

Restfulness in spirit to enjoy some moments of self sought solitude
No complaints on this count

The innocence/ experience to trust family and friendships blindly
Even better has been the experience of seeing things for what they are, staring them in the face and loving them with eyes wide open

A personal witness to everything in life- the good things, the bad things, the special, the mundane
And while I still await my frog, there is a newfound enthusiasm for discovering a few princes on the way


Mostly unreasonable & generally happy