On Destiny
Believing in destony implies an acknowledment that I am weak, waeponless and passive.
Do I belive in destiny or do we have the power to shape our own future, does the control lie in our own hands or in an invisible force.
I believe that each of us has certain personality traits which we really can't change.
Wether we are talkative or shy or witty or sarcastic or lazy or materialistic or spiritual.
It's all formed so early in life it's almost like we were born that way.
And then there are things which happen to us. Events. Again beyond our control.
Our reactions to these events is what shapes our future. Are these reactions really ours. Our reactions/ decisions are based on our inherent personality traits. Ya those same one we were almost born with. So all the choices we make or don't make our really already decided .
So do I belive in destiny?